The Nativity of the Lord Bulletin 12/25/16
Take Five for Faith/The Nativity of the Lord Bulletin Announcements 12/25/16
Fourth Sunday of Advent Bulletin 12/18/16
Fourth Sunday of Advent Bulletin Announcements 12/18/16
Fourth Sunday of Advent Insert
O Antiphons/Nativity and Christmas Tree Blessings
Take Five for Faith/Word Search 12/18/16
Third Sunday of Advent Bulletin 12/11/16
Third Sunday of Advent Bulletin Announcements 12/11/16
Take Five for Faith/Crossword Puzzle 12/11/16
Second Sunday of Advent Bulletin 12/4/16
Second Sunday of Advent Bulletin Announcements 12/4/16
Second Sunday of Advent Insert
Take Five for Faith/Word Search 12/4/16
First Sunday of Advent Bulletin 11/27/16
First Sunday of Advent Bulletin Announcements 11/27/16
Giving Tree/Christmas Poinsettias Insert
Take Five for Faith/Crossword Puzzle 11/27/16
Our Lord Jesus Christ King of the Universe Bulletin 11/20/16
Our Lord Jesus Christ King of the Universe Bulletin Announcements 11/20/16
Take Five for Faith/Word Search 11/20/16
Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Bulletin 11/13/16
Thirty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Bulletin Announcements 11/13/16
Take Five for Faith/Crossword Puzzle 11/13/16
Thirty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Bulletin 11/6/16
Thirty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Bulletin Announcements 11/6/16
Take Five for Faith/Wordsearch 11/6/16
Thirty First Sunday in Ordinary Time Bulletin 10/30/16
Thirty First Sunday in Ordinary Time Bulletin Ann 10/30/16
Rooted in Faith – Forward in Hope Insert
Take Five for Faith/Crossword Puzzle 10/30/16
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Bulletin 10/23/16
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Bulletin Announcements 10/23/16
Take Five For Faith/Word Search 10/23/16
Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Bulletin 10/16/16
Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Bulletin Announcements 10/16/16
Take Five For Faith/Puzzle 10/16/16
Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Bulletin 10/9/16
Twenty Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Bulletin 10/2/16
Twenty Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Bulletin Announcements 10/2/16
Take Five for Faith/Puzzles/Prayers of the Rosary 10/2/16
Twenty Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Bulletin 9/25/16
Twenty Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Bulletin Announcements 9/25/16
Take Five for Faith/Word Search 9/25/16
Twenty Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Bulletin 9/18/16
Twenty Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Bulletin Announcements 9/18/16
Take Five for Faith/Crossword Puzzle 9/18/16
Twenty Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Bulletin 9/11/16
Twenty Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Bulletin Announcements 9/11/16
Take Five for Faith/Word Search 9/11/16
Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Bulletin 9/4/16
Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Bulletin 8/28/16
Twenty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Bulletin Announcements 8/28/16
Take Five for Faith/Word Search 8/28/16
Student Census/PSR Registration 2016-2017
Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time Bulletin 8/21/16
Twenty first Sunday in Ordinary Time Bulletin Announcements 8/21/16
Activity Insert/K of C Event/Take Five for Faith 8/21/16
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Bulletin 8/14/16
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Bulletin Ann 8/14/16
Take Five for Faith/Thoreau Society Bicentennial Insert/Activity Insert 8/14/16
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Bulletin 8/7/16
Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Bulletin 7/31/16
Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Bulletin Announcements 7/31/16
Take Five for Faith/Crossword Puzzle 7/31/16
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Bulletin 7/24/16
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Bulletin Inserts 7/24/16
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Bulletin 7/17/16
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Announcements/Take Five for Faith 7/17/16
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Bulletin 7 /10/16
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Bulletin Announcements 7/10/16
Take Five for Faith/Activity Insert 7/10/16
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Bulletin 7/3/16
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Bulletin Announcements/Take Five for Faith/Activity Insert 7/3/16
Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Bulletin 6/26/16
Take Five for Faith/Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Bulletin Announcements 6/26/16
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time Bulletin 6/19/16
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time Bulletin Announcements/Take Five for Faith 6/19/16
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Bulletin 6/12/16
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Bulletin Announcements 6/12/16
Take Five for Faith/Word Search 6/12/16
Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Bulletin 6/5/16
Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Bulletin Announcements 6/5/16
Take Five for Faith/Crossword Puzzle 6/5/16
Corpus Christi Sunday Bulletin 5/29/16
Corpus Christi Sunday Bulletin Announcements 5/29/16
Take Five for Faith/Word Search 5/29/16
The Most Holy Trinity Sunday Bulletin 5/22/16
The Most Holy Trinity Sunday Bulletin Announcements 5/22/16
Catholic Charities Annual Appeal Insert
Take Five for Faith/Crossword Puzzle 5/22/16
Pentecost Sunday Bulletin 5/15/16
Pentecost Sunday Bulletin Announcements 5/15/16
Take Five for Faith/Word Search 5/15/16
Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord Bulletin 5/8/16
Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord Bulletin Ann 5/8/16
Take Five for Faith/Crossword Puzzle 5/8/16
Sixth Sunday of Easter Bulletin 5/1/16
Sixth Sunday of Easter Bulletin Announcements/Rooted in Faith Insert 5/1/16
May Crowning 2016/Prayers of the Rosary
Take Five for Faith/Word Search 5/1/16
Fifth Sunday of Easter Bulletin 4/24/16
Fifth Sunday of Easter Bulletin Announcements/Take Five for Faith 4/24/16
Fourth Sunday of Easter Bulletin 4/17/16
Fourth Sunday of Easter Bulletin Announcements 4/17/16
Take Five for Faith/Crossword Puzzle 4/17/16
Third Sunday of Easter Bulletin 4/10/16
Third Sunday of Easter Bulletin Announcements 4/10/16
Take Five for Faith/Word Search 4/10/16
Easter Sunday Bulletin 3/27/16
Easter Sunday Bulletin Announcements 3/27/16
Take Five for Faith/Coloring Page 3/27/16
Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord Bulletin 3/20/16
Palm Sunday Bulletin Announcements 3/20/16
Take Five for Faith/Word Search 3/20/16
Fifth Sunday of Lent Bulletin 3/13/16
Fifth Sunday of Lent Bulletin Announcements 3/13/16
Take Five for Faith/Word Search 3/13/16
Church in Central and Eastern Europe Insert
Fourth Sunday of Lent Bulletin 3/6/16
Fourth Sunday of Lent Bulletin Announcements 3/6/16
Take Five for Faith/Crossword Puzzle 3/6/16
Third Sunday of Lent Bulletin 2/28/16
Third Sunday of Lent Bulletin Announcements 2/28/16
Take Five for Faith/Word Search 2/28/16
Second Sunday of Lent Bulletin 2/21/16
First Sunday of Lent Bulletin 2/14/16
First Sunday of Lent Bulletin Announcements/Evening of Confession Insert 2/14/16
Take Five for Faith/Word Search 2/14/16
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Bulletin 2/7/16
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Bulletin Announcements 2/7/16
An Evening of Confession Insert/CRS Rice Bowl Insert 2/7/16
Take Five for Faith/Crossword Puzzle 2/7/16
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Bulletin 1/31/16
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Bulletin Announcements 1/31/16
Take Five for Faith:Catholic Charities Insert
Catholic Charities Annual Appeal 2016 Insert
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Bulletin 1/24/16
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Bulletin 1/17/16
The Baptism of the Lord Sunday Bulletin 1/10/16
The Baptism of the Lord Sunday Bulletin Announcements 1/10/16
Take Five for Faith/Crossword Puzzle 1/10/16
The Epiphany of the Lord Sunday Bulletin 1/3/16
The Epiphany of the Lord Sunday Bulletin Announcements 1/3/16