
Welcome to Mother of Sorrows Parish!

Mass Schedule: Saturday at 5:00 pm & Sunday at 9:30 am

Parish Life Coordinator: Deacon Will Yoho

Presbyteral Moderator: Father Michael McCandless

Liturgical Scheduler for Mother of Sorrows: Diane Griffiths dianeg4mos@gmail.com

Please see our Parish Bulletin for schedule changes and other scheduled devotions and events.


Put Yourself in the Place of Mary and Joseph for One Hour

As we continue to honor our Sorrowful Mother by dedicating this year to her, we are reminded that the Second Sorrow she experienced was the dangerous flight into Egypt with Joseph in order to save her Son’s life. As part of our events planned to bring us closer to our Sorrowful Mother by recalling and honoring her Sorrows, we are pleased to offer a presentation by the Diocese of Cleveland that will demonstrate to us some of the actual decisions and choices the Holy Family may have been faced with as a family seeking safety for their Child.

Please join us on Thursday, January 23 at 6:30PM as Kelly Bon from the Diocese will literally walk us through some of those steps and decisions Mary and Joseph were forced to make in order to protect their Son after having witnessed the cruelty and Herod and his assassins. Everyone is welcome, parishioners and non-parishioners alike. Family groups including children are especially encouraged to come; but so are single individuals, seniors, professionals and students!

We will gather in the lower level of the church and the program should last approximately 60-90 minutes, depending on questions/discussions. Reservations are required. Please email carolk4mos@gmail.com.   This is a Diocesan program; let’s show our pride in our parish and our love for our Mother of Sorrows by turning off the television and turning out for this event. [posted 1/12-23/2025]

Faith and Fiction Book Club

Our FAITH & FICTION club meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month.  We will discuss Priest and Beggar by Kevin Wells for our February 12 meeting.  Come and explore something different; if you don’t like reading, listen to the audiobook version.  We’re composed of men and women, parishioners and non-parishioners, Catholics and non-Catholics.  Everyone is welcome. We gather in the lower level of the Church at 10:00AM for coffee and catch-up and begin our book discussion promptly at 10:30 so that we can be finished by noon. [posted 1/12-2/9/2025]

Building Maintenance, Repair & Renovation Program

As mentioned at Mass and in the bulletin during the weekend of October 20-21, our parish has launched this program to raise funding for much needed repairs and maintenance.  Read the details in this bulletin and this letter and pledge form.  Please print and fill out the pledge form and return via the collection basket, postal mail or email mospeninsula@gmail.com.  Our financial statements are posted at this link.  Your generosity will assist us in enhancing the functionality and beauty of our parish.  Scan this QR Code to link to our parish’s online giving portal. [posted 10/26-1/31/2025]