
Welcome to Mother of Sorrows Parish!

Mass Schedule: Saturday at 5:00 pm & Sunday at 9:30 am

Parish Life Coordinator: Deacon Will Yoho

Presbyteral Moderator: Father Michael McCandless

Liturgical Scheduler for Mother of Sorrows: Diane Griffiths dianeg4mos@gmail.com

Please see our Parish Bulletin for schedule changes and other scheduled devotions and events.


Celebrating Our History!

We will be celebrating former pastor Fr. John Terzano’s 50th Anniversary of Ordination to the Priesthood and the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows on September 14, 2024 at 5:00 pm Mass. Following the Mass, we will have a potluck reception in the church hall. Please join us for this event and sign up to bring a dish to share. There is a signup sheet in the vestibule at the back of the church. We look forward to celebrating our parish and Fr. John! [posted 8/14-9/14/2024]

Faith and Fiction Book Club

Our book club meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month. We gather at 10:00 AM for coffee and introductions or catching up and begin the discussion promptly at 10:30. On September 11 we will discuss To Love and Be Loved – A Personal Portrait of Mother Teresa by Jim Towey. We are composed of MOS parishioners as well as members of other parishes and faiths. Please join us! [posted 8/4-9/11/2024]


Mission Statement

We, the parishioners of Mother of Sorrows Parish, established in 1882, Christ-centered and empowered by the Holy Spirit, dedicate ourselves to serve the needs of all by liturgical worship and parish ministries.
