Holiday Mass Schedule
Join us in worship at one of our Masses during this holiday season:
12/24 Christmas Eve 5:00 pm; 12/25 Christmas Day 9:30am
12/31 New Years Eve 5:00pm; 1/1 New Years Day 9:30am [posted 12/20/2024-1/1/025]
Faith and Fiction Book Club
Our group meets the second Wednesday of each month. We gather in the church hall at 10:00 AM for coffee and begin the discussion at 10:30. The book for our January 8 discussion will be Angela's Ashes by Frank McCourt and Priest and Beggar by Kevin Wells for February 12. Please join us— everyone is welcome! [posted 12/20/2024-12/30/2024]
Bible Study
Our parish’s bible study will be on the Infancy narratives beginning Tuesday, November 26 through December 17. We will meet in the parish hall from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm. Please bring a bible. Refreshments will be served. If you have any questions contact Darlene at [posted 11/16-12/17/2024]
Faith and Fiction Book Club
Our group meets the second Wednesday of each month. We gather in the church hall at 10:00 AM for coffee and begin the discussion at 10:30. The book for our December 11 discussion will be In This House of Brede by Rumer Godden. Please join us— everyone is welcome! [posted 11/13/2024-12/11/2024]
Candlelight Walk
Our parish will open its doors during Peninsula’s Candlelight Walk on December 5 from 5:00-8:00 pm. The church will be dimly lit and Christmas music will be played and/or sung by one of our talented choir members. Come in, sit, enjoy the sounds and put yourself in a place of peace during the hectic holiday season. [posted 11/23-12/5/2024]
Thanksgiving Day Mass
Come celebrate our many blessings at Mass at 9:30 am. [posted 11/26-28/2024]
Guest Speaker
On November 14 at 7:00 PM, Rev. James M. Daprile, PhD will speak (in our church) on Our Sorrowful Mother in Art, a beautiful presentation of works of art and meaningful insights into each piece. Father Daprile has presented The Crucifixion in Art at The First Friday Club of Greater Akron and has also led gallery talks, tours and presentations at the Cleveland Museum of Art where he is a volunteer. All are welcome. Call 330.620.0992 or email for more information. [posted 10/11-11/14/2024]
Faith and Fiction Book Club
Our group meets the second Wednesday of each month. We gather in the church hall at 10:00 AM for coffee and begin the discussion at 10:30. On November 13 we will be discussing Tattoos on the Heart by Gregory Boyle. The book for our December 11 discussion will be In This House of Brede by Rumer Godden. Please join us— everyone is welcome! [posted 10/11-11/13/2024]
Parish Life Center Open House
After the Masses on Saturday, October 19th and Sunday, October 20th, we will have an open house of our newly remodeled Parish Life Center. See the transformation of the former rectory as a spiritual and meeting space for our parish family. [posted 10/13-20/2024]
Parish Grounds Fall Cleanup
Saturday, October 12th, we will be having our fall cleanup. We have much to do and would like to have even more participants on this workday than we did in the spring. We will be working on the yard and flowerbeds as well as the Parish Life Center; getting it ready for the open house scheduled for October 19th and 20th. The parish workday will begin at 9:00 am and lunch will be provided. There is a sign-up sheet in the rear of the church, or feel free to reach out to Deacon Will at 330-620-0992.
Faith and Fiction Book Club
Our book club meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month. We gather at 10:00 AM for coffee and introductions or catching up and begin the discussion promptly at 10:30. On September 11 we will discuss To Love and Be Loved - A Personal Portrait of Mother Teresa by Jim Towey. We are composed of MOS parishioners as well as members of other parishes and faiths. Please join us! [posted 8/4-9/11/2024]
Celebrating Our History!
We will be celebrating former pastor Fr. John Terzano's 50th Anniversary of Ordination to the Priesthood and the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows on September 14, 2024 at 5:00 pm Mass. Following the Mass, we will have a potluck reception in the church hall. Please join us for this event and sign up to bring a dish to share. There is a signup sheet in the vestibule at the back of the church. We look forward to celebrating our parish and Fr. John! [posted 8/14-9/14/2024]
Starting at 6:00 pm on August 21, we will have time for adoration in our church. Come spend some quiet time in prayer and reflection. A benediction at 6:50 will wrap up this event. Other dates will be announced in the future. [posted 8/21/2024]
Blessing of the Kayaks
On August 18, we will have the first annual, Blessing of the Kayaks. Immediately following the 9:30 Mass, we will get together at the Cuyahoga River and have the blessing of the kayaks and then do a “Holy Armada” down the river. More details to follow. [posted 8/14-18/2024]
Faith and Fiction Book Club
Our book club meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month. We gather at 10 AM for coffee and introductions or catching up and begin the discussion promptly at 10:30. On August 14 we will discuss Cry, the Beloved Country by Alan Paton; and on September 11 we will discuss To Love and Be Loved - A Personal Portrait of Mother Teresa by Jim Towey. We are composed of MOS parishioners as well as members of other parishes and faiths. Please join us! [posted 8/4-15/2024]
New Online Giving Portal
Our parish has switched electronic giving to a new portal called OSV. You can donate to either the weekly or maintenance (building fund) by clicking on: [posted 7/7-7/15/2024]
New Online Giving Portal Coming
Our parish will be switching electronic giving to a new portal called OSV. The more parishioners who sign up to use this method will enable our parish to better plan and budget. Further details will appear in the 7/7/2024 bulletin. [posted 06/30-7/6/2024]
Weekly Visitation/Communion
Homebound parishioners are encouraged to receive communion regularly. If you or someone you know is homebound or unable to attend Mass due to illness, surgery, or other circumstances, and you would like to have a Eucharistic Minister bring Holy Communion to the home, please contact Carol, her email is listed on the front of the bulletin. [posted 06/20-27/2024]
Clean-Up Day Volunteers Needed
Our parish is in need of volunteers for a clean up of our facilities and grounds on June 8, 2024. The work session runs from 8:00am – 3:00pm; you can volunteer for the morning, afternoon, or both. After the work session ends, we’ll have fellowship time before celebrating Mass. Sign up via the book in the back of the church or leave a message on the church voicemail (330–657–2631); indicate the time slot and the type of work (indoor or outdoor). See additional details in Deacon Will’s column of the 5/19/2024 bulletin. [posted 5/202024-6/3/2024]
9 Nights of Prayer
Consider joining us in prayer as our parish is one of nine parishes to participate in our faith’s ancient night prayer tradition from May 23-31, 2024. Our doors will open at 8:00pm and the prayers start at 8:15pm. The content is different for each of the nine nights. Come to one or all nine nights. For a list of the participating parishes, click: [posted 5/20-31/2024]
Thank You!
Thank you to Father Corrigan and the Saint Victor Staff for your care and support over the past several months.
Thank you for your service!